Birmingham City Council Blood Pressure Campaign

Case Study.

Birmingham City Council

Birmingham City Council approached MacMartin to create and launch a campaign aiming to encourage more local people to get their blood pressure checked.

The Brief

Research found that 3 in 10 adults with high blood pressure go undiagnosed. High blood pressure is a common yet less-known cause of wider cardiovascular diseases, the leading cause of death in England.

Birmingham City Council were particularly looking to encourage Black African and Black Caribbean individuals to get their blood pressure checked, with people in these communities often being affected by unexpected cardiovascular disease, due to lower blood pressure testing rates.

To raise awareness of high blood pressure and the health complications it can cause.
To encourage the public to get checked at one of several new blood pressure testing locations across the city.

Social Media Advertising (organic & paid)

Online Advertising

Digital Radio Advertising

Outdoor Advertising

Press Releases

Local Community Radio

Stakeholder Toolkit

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The Solution

We utilised a multichannel communication strategy to reach the target audience and ensure the key message was understood and then acted upon.

The campaign was driven by the findings of the BLACHIR Report (2021) with reference to barriers to change and the need for more appropriate behaviour change approaches in black African and black Caribbean communities specifically.

We created a number of design concepts for the campaign, always referring back to our in-depth research, our behaviour change knowledge and the BLACHIR report findings.

The Solution

We utilised a multichannel communication strategy to reach the target audience and ensure the key message was understood and then acted upon.

The campaign was driven by the findings of the BLACHIR Report (2021) with reference to barriers to change and the need for more appropriate behaviour change approaches in black African and black Caribbean communities specifically.

We created a number of design concepts for the campaign, always referring back to our in-depth research, our behaviour change knowledge and the BLACHIR report findings.

Drove 300% more traffic to their website than targeted

Achieved over 6 million impressions across the full campaign

Exceeded online ad performance target by over 600%

The Results

Utilising all channels, we were able to raise more awareness within Birmingham City Council’s target market and drove 300% more traffic to their website than targeted.

We are data driven.

We used the initial findings to adapt the plan in order to be reactive to target markets requirements, and ultimately exceed expectations within budget.

In addition, we have provided Birmingham City Council with valuable insight that can be used to steer future initiatives and deliver even greater impact.

*Data acquired from Google Analytics

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