User Experience Design

How User Experience Design Can Improve Your SEO

In our most recent blog, we talked about the new Google Page Experience Update. With this algorithm, Google are placing more emphasis on browsing experience, alongside website content. This closely ties in with User Experience design, so let’s have a look at how it could affect the way your website ranks in search engines.

What is User Experience Design?

User Experience or UX design relates to the way your customer interacts with and experiences an aspect of your business, whether that’s a product, service or system. In web design, it’s the way they interact with your website. You may have a platform that looks great, but, if it doesn’t serve your audience, it’s not going to work in your favour. UX design looks at improving that customer journey so it serves your target market, as well as meeting your business goals.

Google Page Experience update

The key requirements for Google Page Experience update include mobile friendliness, optimal loading speed, interactivity and safe browsing experience. It makes a lot of sense, since users should have a smooth browsing experience, as well as finding the content they need. The requirements for Google Page Experience update cover all the basics of a good, reliable website. But what if you could take it one step further?

Making the most of UX design

If you have covered those key requirements of loading time, mobile friendliness and safe browsing experience, that should be enough, right? Technically yes, but the beauty of user experience design is that it’s so personal to your target market and it can increase your conversion rate, as well as helping you rank higher in search engines.

User experience design looks at your target market, how they interact with your website and aims to create the ideal customer experience to serve them and your business. So, while your website might have a good loading speed, be mobile friendly and safe, your customers may still drop off, get confused and leave your site without completing the journey you’d like them to take. With UX design, you can identify more specific issues that are affecting your customers and your conversion rate, and use that to redesign your website and solve those problems.

This means you can create a website that truly serves your business goals. But it gets even better! By optimising your customers’ browsing experience, you can move even higher up the search engine rankings. Keeping them on the site for longer, lowering your bounce rate and enticing your audience to come back again will be a great SEO boost for your website, while also benefiting your company.

Want to learn more?

Our expert team has years of web and UX design experience! We can combine aesthetics with functionality and provide a solid strategy to meet your goals, whether that’s attracting more visitors, more sales or more enquiries. Contact us today to find out more about our full-service marketing solutions.