Derbyshire Festival of Business

Derbyshire Festival of Business

The festival helps to connect and support local organisations whilst showcasing Derbyshire’s extensive business capability to future clients, customers, and investors.

With secured funding support from Vision Derbyshire, there is a wide range of free workshops, masterclasses and networking activities offered throughout the festival, helping to support businesses within the region.

Whether you’re a business leader looking to create new connections and find out the latest regional developments, an educator looking to support your students in developing their employability skills, or a graduate wanting to develop your newly acquired skills within a local organisation, the event has something for everyone.

We're proud to be delivering the following sessions as part of the festival:

Social Media & Mental Health

Helping young people take back control.

The Environmental Impact of your Website

How to reduce your digital carbon footprint

Catch up with us on our social media

Our Sessions

MacMartin are an award-winning marketing and design agency. We assist organisations in the delivery of purposeful communication through our specialist branding and marketing services with a committed, conscious and commercial approach.

Led by Anna Hutton

Social Media & Mental Health – Helping Young People Take Back Control

It is our aim to live in a world where young people can have individual control over how social media affects their mental health.

Digital technologies and the popularity of social media platforms, means it’s here to stay. As a society, we haven’t developed an etiquette when it comes to the use of social media.

We need to teach young people how to manage this huge societal change, in a way which doesn’t have a negative effect upon their mental health.

Full Service Marketing Agency

Led by Claire MacDonald

The Environmental Impact of your Website – How to Reduce your Digital Carbon Footprint

Did you know; if the internet was a country, it would be the world’s 6th biggest polluter? It was this statistic that led us to explore the environmental impact of our website.

It’s not uncommon to think that by utilising ‘the cloud’, websites and digital assets, that we are benefiting the environment. However, this is often not the case.

This talk will open your eyes into the world of digital carbon emissions, with practical guidance on how (with very little effort) you can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of your website.

Discover more about our Mental Health & Social Media initiatives

Register for a Session