Email Signups

How to Boost your Email Signups

It’s no secret that email marketing isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. As a business, a long mailing list is essentially a captive audience who you know are interested in your brand. We’ve put together a few pointers so you can ensure your mailer game is as strong as it can be.

It’s no secret that email marketing isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. As a business, a long mailing list is essentially a captive audience who you know are interested in your brand.

Having access directly into their inboxes is a treasure that’s not to be underestimated; marketing emails keep existing and potential customers engaged, warming them for future promotions and launches – so it’s important to be proactive when it comes to enticing people to sign up.

We’ve put together a few pointers so you can ensure your mailer game is as strong as it can be.

Don’t rush your form design

Your email signup form needs to be cohesive with your overall branding but stand out clearly on your website so that customers don’t scroll past it. Both the design and the content need to be carefully considered to maximise the chances of enticing your customers to sign up.

Compelling copy is essential, make sure it sounds exciting and worth their while, but steer clear of guilt-tripping – see our blog on Dark UX Tactics. Try to avoid a generic call to action too; instead of ‘Sign up’ try vocabulary that sounds more exclusive, such as ‘Join the club’ or ‘Become a VIP’.

Make it rewarding

A tried and tested strategy for more email signups is to offer something in return for a signup, such as a discount code or free download. Similarly, you can advertise mail subscribers as VIP customers that get early access to events such as sales, so the exclusive benefits are continuous.

Shout about it

Don’t just tuck your signup form away in the footer of your website and hope people stumble across it. Put it on a few different pages and consider creating a specific landing page for your email signup. Remember to advertise it on your social media too, share links to the signup page and shout about the exclusive benefits, so people know what they’re missing out on, and encourage followers to become subscribers.

Test and adapt

It’s important to trial different variations of your email signup forms to discover what strikes most successfully within your target market, allowing you to hone and refine the ideal formula. An effective way of doing this is to split (or A/B) test. Create two different variations of your signup form, or mailing list landing page, that each get shown to half your visitors. This will allow you to analyse which version attracted the most signups, and you can repeat the process again and again to crystallise what appeals to your target market the most.

Need some help?

If you’re struggling to attract email signups, or you’re unsure how to take advantage of your mailing list, we can help with that! At MacMartin we are experts in both web design and creating successful email campaigns that get results.

Get in touch today to discuss how we could help you.

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