Marketing Tips for Education

5 Marketing Tips for Education

The global education market is on a rise and we are now seeing much more diversity in education provision from the traditional model of schools and universities to a whole host of online courses and one to one teaching and mentoring. As the education market grows more saturated, it’s more important than ever for educators to understand how to promote themselves and build a successful teaching brand. Here are our top 5 tips for education marketing!

1. Cut through the noise

Whether you’re a private teacher or run an education business, it’s likely there are a few services in your area that are quite similar to yours. So, how do you stand out? It starts with finding your niche. For example, is your focus on beginner, intermediate or advanced students? If you’re teaching a certain subject, is there an area you specialise in? Are you able to offer something that your competitors don’t, such as one to one mentoring, work experience etc? Figuring out your unique selling point (USP) is the first step towards a successful marketing strategy.

Once you’ve done that, it’s time to really focus on making sure your potential clients can find you. Search engine marketing will be an important part of that, as it will ensure you rank higher in online search. Social media is also an amazing tool for marketing your education business, especially as a lot of your students will be browsing on popular social media platforms. Making sure your marketing is optimised for mobile is crucial, as this tends to be one of the most common ways people find information on businesses they’re interested in.

2. Show your personality

Following on from our point on using social media, it is an opportunity for you to show off your personality and teaching style, creating a more personable impression to potential students. Yes, you may have great accreditation and you may be an expert in your field, but what are you like as a teacher? Having videos in particular, but also blogs and posts of you sharing tips and information is a fantastic way to give your customers an idea of what it will be like to learn with you. If you’re an institution, this is your chance to show a glimpse of the facilities, the teachers and your company’s ethos that will likely resonate with your ideal customers. It’s also important to note, that more and more students are choosing online and distance learning, which means your social media is their only chance to connect with you and gain an understanding of what you’re all about. That is why it’s so important to have great content online, so you can make the best possible impression on your potential pupils.

3. Have a presentable website

Just like social media can be your online shop window, a professional looking website will serve the same way. Whether you’re a private teacher or a large education provider, your website is a crucial part of your marketing strategy and branding. This is a chance for your potential customers to find out more about you, how to get in touch and access any special offers or learning materials you may have. A website is open 24/7, which means a well-designed platform is able to bring in customers while you sleep. Regular updates to your website with blogs and new posts will also help you rank higher in search engines.

4. Let your students speak for you

This is one of our most important tips for education marketing. Customers are generally more likely to trust other people than businesses, so use this to your advantage. Encourage your students to write reviews, testimonials or even make short video reviews of their learning experience. Word of mouth recommendations and encouraging them to share your business online is one of the best ways to attract new customers. Another great idea is to document your students’ progress (with their permission, of course). This will be a fantastic addition to your video/photo content as part of your marketing strategy and show actual results by people who are learning with you, which will encourage more potential students to sign up.

5. Give them a taste

Imagine you’re someone on the lookout for a new teacher or education programme. With so many options available, it can be a difficult choice to make, even if they all have great reviews and content. Giving your potential students a taste of what it’s like to learn with you is a great, risk-free opportunity for them to try it out and a chance for you to sell your services. Many educators offer a free taster lesson, however, a free consultation may be even better. Instead of a lesson, this is your opportunity to have a more personal approach, have a chat to your students, get to know their background and their goals for further progression. With this knowledge, you can tailor your services towards their needs, which could, potentially, result in a more long-term teaching relationship. Going forward, memberships and discounts for bulk-buying lessons is also a great way to ensure you have bookings lined up for a few weeks or months ahead, providing you with a more sustainable income.

We have extensive experience working with education clients and we would love to work with you too! Get in touch with us today to upgrade your website or marketing strategy.

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