Our Organisations Going Above And Beyond For Women’s Safety This International Women’s Day

This International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating some of the incredible organisations that we are fortunate enough to work with, and shining a light on the important work that they’re doing to support and change the lives of women in our local communities.

Since 2002, Safe & Sound has been operating in and around Derbyshire to tackle child sexual exploitation and provide high-quality tailored one-to-one support to victims and young people at risk. Whilst maintaining their specialism in sexual exploitation, they recently expanded their services to include all forms of exploitation, ensuring that individuals receive the support they need to move forwards in their lives.

Through their awareness, support, prevention and recovery programmes, Safe & Sound are transforming the lives of vulnerable children and families in Derbyshire, while working towards a future where every child knows what it means to feel truly safe, and the charity is no longer needed.

“We all have an idea of what being safe and sound is but the reality for many young people is very far from that. Our vision is to always be there when young people need us and to prevent exploitation wherever, and however, we can.”.

SARAC (Sexual Abuse Rape Advice Centre) was formed in 1994 by a group of local women who were appalled at the lack of support for people dealing with the aftermath of childhood/adult sexual abuse and/or rape. The charity grew from there and now offers confidential support for people in Burton, Lichfield, Tamworth, Uttoxeter, Swadlincote and South Derbyshire who are at risk of or have experienced sexual violence and/or rape at anytime in their lives.

All of SARAC’s incredible work is underpinned by the firm belief that everyone who is at risk of, or suffering the effects of, sexual abuse has the right to be treated with compassionate understanding, regardless of their background. This commitment to diversity and inclusivity recently saw SARAC awarded a National Lottery grant to further their work, and support offerings, within minority communities.


As well as providing specialist survivor support, SARAC also run education and awareness programmes within local communities and schools to prevent sexual abuse. They passionately advocate for every person’s right to live free from the trauma of sexual abuse, and continually speak out to challenge societal attitudes and stigmas that condone and collude with sexual violence.

SV2  is an organisation built on the understanding that sexual violence simply shouldn’t exist, and that no one should have to deal with it alone. Founded in 1994, initially named Derbyshire Rape Crisis, SV2 have since changed their name and expanded their services to include counselling/therapy for adults and children, Independent Sexual Violence Advisors, and the provision of training and awareness sessions. They specialise in working with survivors of sexual violence and abuse to inform, support, protect and empower them. The charity was commissioned by the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner to provide support from Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs). They work in partnership with the police but independently to advocate for those who access their services.


“Whilst sexual abuse exists, we’ll be here to support and empower the victims, inform the public and protect future generations.”

Freeva are a registered charity working towards reducing domestic abuse, rape and sexual violence in Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland. Their vision is to aspire to live in a society where everyone is free from violence and abuse by empowering and supporting victims, challenging abusive behaviours and supporting perpetrators that wish to change,

breaking cycles of violence and abuse, and building cohesive families and safer communities. Their mission is to provide high quality effective support to victims and perpetrators, irrespective of their backgrounds, to forge a more compassionate future for all.

Freeva base all their work on six core principles. They believe: that everyone has the right to be free and safe from violence, that relationships should be built on respect and equality, that education ensures a better future for all, that with support people have the capacity to change, in working with integrity, honesty and transparency, and in creating sustainable societal change.


MacMartin is proud to be working with these incredible organisations who are supporting survivors, changing lives, and trailblazing a better future for women everywhere. If you’d like to find out how to support any of the charities that we’ve mentioned above, or to find out more about their work, please visit their website.

If you have a mission and you’d like to drive meaningful change, contact us today.